Hey peeps...got news...bad and good...lol
on 8 may 2009,at 10.48am,my fren,asyraf,and i were walking towards the mrt station...
then a guy in his 30s went up to me from behind and ask for my phone to call his 'mum'.i gave
then he told me to wait while he stood at the garden stairs before the tunnel.he started going up..
asyraf was already following him..me too...
then when we were already at the top..i saw him quite far.when he turned back at us,i
shouted,'My phone!'
He ran and i gave chase like mad...asyraf was shoutin i think...he ran until u know the circular
thing/path beside the cc?
he ran there and went down by the stairs..i followed...he ran like mad and my voice was booming
like worst in class..then i shouted,WHERE IS HE!!!!!?????'' to the passerby...
he said the bridge so i ran...at the steps my shoelaces were undone no time to tie it..i open my
shoes carried it and ran with my socks..my bag was like super heavy with all science books
etc.when i went down at the other end,,i saw him..at the furniture mall the red color
building..then he ran across the road..then he zigzaged and i threw my shoes at him..both hit him
at the shoulder and the butt.he still ran i took my shoes which was 1 beside a cab the other 1 was
at an open space and a huge truck was coming to it..'STOP!!!!"" i screamed..it
stopped..wohoo.then i went to the opposite side then he went bk to the other side walau so damn
tirin...then i wore my shoe then got this auntie then i said call police la but u know wad she
say?...y he take?where u put?y?y?y?i was annoyed...very annoyed,,ran across and this time the
guy already took a cab and the auntie was screamin take the plate number!!!i was shortsighted-i
know.so i stopped in front of the moving taxi.there was chaos in e taxi and at last the guy came
out and the taxi drove off..i jst said just give me my sim and memory card la...coz if ask for my
phone he threatened to beat me up...so ok lor and he went..then asyraf came and he took out his
fist..tt guy came bk..luckily got these uncle and a man came they told him to return my
phone...he did...then agn...the police came an we were questioned and guess wad he had 2
phones.1 is a touchscreen the other is n95..fuck siahe is now in custody....
7:34 AM